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FSL 208/218 Hydraulic Roller Cam for GM GEN IV w/o VVT or AFM

50 State Legal grind for single-bolt LS2/LS3/LY2 engines without VVT or AFM. Works with stock components and tune, can produce 30+hp increase in peak power.
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The COMP Cams® FSL™ series camshafts gain 30+ hp with no other mods and are the first performance aftermarket camshaft for LS engines that meets the stringent CARB approval. CARB EO #D-279-12
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UPC 036584378983
Manufacturer COMP Cams®
Emissions Code
EO Number: D-279-13
Engine Family GM LS2/LS3 GEN IV Single-Bolt w/o VVT and w/o AFM 8 Cylinder (2007-2015)
RPM Operating Range 1,800-6,500
Cam Type Hydraulic Roller
Camshaft Series FSL
Advertised Intake Duration 270
Advertised Exhaust Duration 270
Intake Duration at .050 Inch Lift 210
Exhaust Duration at .050 Inch Lift 218
Lobe Separation 118
Lifter Style Hydraulic Roller
Make GM